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You Are Not a Robot! How to Overcome Techno Stress

My best friend these days seems to be my computer. She can play music, help me communicate with other people via email, help me scan the globe with an insurmountable amount of information via the www and to top it off she remembers everything I tell her. Her memory is amazing. In a second’s time she can retrieve any info that she has stored, even from years ago. My other great friend is my fax machine. I can input tons of into and sure enough, just as programmed she spits otu the documents perfectly in the right order. My copier is a true blue buddy. Making a perfect copy of what is on the original doc. How in the heck does she remember everything and copy it accuractely. In addiction, my colleague “Three Way Call” is a very necessary part of my life. She so expertly connects two human voices from anywhere in the whole entire world. How does she do that? And call waiting; puts the circuits on hold while I am on another call and keeps the connection live for my timely return. How does that happen?

I lie in my bed and thank my best friends for being so great…..but I lay awake all nigth wondering how I can keep them busy since they are all so willing to work 24 hours a day. I have a stomach ache and my head hurts. I get up to drink some warm milk and my mind races.

The next day at the psychiatrists office he prompty prescribes valium and/or anxiety meds. He treats me for depression and heavily medicates me because I can hardly keep my mind in order these days. Nothing seems to help.

Then one day, while chatting with my Life Coach that was assisting me in making sense of my miserable life, he profoundly said, “You seem to be best friends with robots that have no internal intrinsic purpose, passion, or feelings. They never feel bad and never have joy. And by the way, you are not a robot!”

My “awe” caught my breath. “No I am NOT a robot!” Yet I have surrounded myself with these aliens all the while thinking we were equals and that they were assisting me in my journey towards success and happiness. My Life Coach helped me realize that my mind was limited by the human brain and body and could process only about 5 bits of information on a conscious level at the same time…..hum that is less than my beautiful computer–she can process billions of information at the same time. Hey that is not fair; no life does not seem fair when we compare apples to horses.

Information overload….is an epidemic that man himself created. We crafted robots to run high speed information across the globe but we forget to acknowledge our human frailties that not keep up with the robots. We need to remember that we need breaks in the mid day for our bodies and minds. We need 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each and every night. We need to constantly organize our minds with day timers and planners and say “No” more often. We need to change our sensory input to right and left stimulus and look up at the sky and count our blessings and acknkowledge God. We must remember that we are children of a greater being and that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Life is to enjoy and it is possible when we let the robots do their tasks and recognize our limitations savoring our human abilites and uniqueness.
