Teenage problems?
What do you do with an out-of-control teenager??
Are you at your wits end, do you feel like a failure, are you sad?
Well let's fix that!
(Testimonials below)
Hi I'm Darlene!
I’m excited that we’re crossing paths because my goal is to share with you skills and tools to help you create the home you want. And to quickly switch things around.
Bless your heart. You are a concerned parent. That is beautiful. There’s so much pain when our family doesn’t turn out exactly like we thought it would.
You are so full of love and give service to your children so much that you may feel trapped, helpless and confused.
So I think I can help you best by letting you know. I have expertise in my academic journey of adolescent development and family systems, I have also worked in secure facilities and worked with parents and teens for 20 years.
In addition and most importantly I have five grown children now, and I had four step kids as they were growing up. If you do the math that’s an amazing nine kids. One was a five-year-old and the rest were teenagers. That’s eight teenagers at one time!!! It’s hard for anyone to have an experience in their family that I haven’t had myself through my family or my work experience
You may ask “why is my teenage son so angry, or say, my teenage daughter is so defiant. I have so many teen issues and they are so disrespectful. It’s difficult disciplining a defiant teen.” On and on. In this post I’d like to make three points.

1. Let’s start with wondering what authority is and talk about understanding teenagers and understanding parents.
Do you have the same authority with your child when they’re 1 years old verses two years old versus 10 versus 15 versus 20 versus 35 years old? Let’s talk about that. Also I love the metaphor of making bread. Teenagers are like bread. We take our flour and eggs and we mix all the ingredients to make a beautiful loaf and put it in the oven. But what does the uneducated person do now?
He keeps checking on the bread every five minutes. And gets all concerned when after 10 minutes the bread looks all lumpy and one side is bigger than the other. The more we open the oven the less the bread turns out the way it's supposed to be. Please humor me when I tell you that one of the most important things to do with bread and teenagers is “get out of their way“. I talk about the difference between kids and teens and how to treat them differently.

2.Normal versus abnormally behavior:
NORMAL behavior is lazy, sleeps all day if they can get away with it, don’t take responsibility for actions not helpful around the house, etc. etc. Yep defiant and angry. That’s normal. Is your teenager normal?
An ABNORMAL child is helpful, a team player, wants to go to school and get themselves up, wants to go to church, consistently helps around the house, and asks mom and dad how they can help and tells them how much they love them.
At this point we may want to say LOL. But this is all true based on research and data.
Now what is a NORMAL PARENT? A normal parent is codependent, controlling, hovering, showbiz parent, overprotective, doesn’t trust their teenager, thinks they are just so very smart, knows everything, has low self-esteem, and doesn’t trust the process of the journey of their child.
Now let’s talk about ABNORMAL PARENTS: they have high self-esteem, realizes they are not their kids, knows their kids have their own personality and mind, understands their kid can barely be shaped, understands about journey and has faith in this process.
3.HIGH RISK versus LOW RISK behavior.
LOW risk behavior is just to watch and keep an eye on and interject only when necessary. For example low risk is being rude to authority every once a while, disrespectful, mildly disobedient and defiant, running away once, hanging around the wrong crowd just for a while, lying on small things every once in a while, low self-esteem here and there, a little bit of anger, stealing once, Outbursts sometimes, blaming toying with the idea of drugs, pushing the envelope with mild sexual behavior, masturbation, not wanting to be with family, saying that mom and dad never did anything for them.
Now HIGH-risk requires immediate forced action. Such as severe diagnosed eating disorders or mental disorders, drug abuse with mild or hard drugs-not use but abuse! There’s a difference. Activities that include anything illegal immoral or unethical and is more than a one time episode statutory rape, anything they could go to jail for.
So our goal is to create an abnormal teen, abnormal parenting, and a beautiful abnormal family, to live out your goals of having the family and home you always wanted.
This is just a beginning, there’s so much more that I’d like to share about verbiage, rules, boundaries, codependency, parenting styles, identity development, family structure and order, rules and job descriptions, how to get your teenager to clean the room or the bathroom, discipline how and why, rapport, etc. etc.
I love this topic, let’s talk soon!
Dr. Taylor,
I have been the attorney for The Anderson Family for the last five years. As you know David, the grandfather, has had custody of the teen. There has been no progress in the family system for these past five years meeting with therapist after therapist, as a family and individually.
I don't know what magic you did because everthing has turned around in three sessions with you. I'm ready to release custody to the appropriate party now.
Wow! That's all I can say, just wow. You're really good at what you do.
-Sally, Los Angeles
I'd like to thank you for calling me a "Ninny" when my daughter wouldn't come out of her room so I brought her three meals a day to her door. Ha. You taught me to not me afraid of my daughter and act as the Dad! Setting rules and guidelines with the right way to say it. You helped me understand where my daugher's head was with the divorce and now I understand why she was so mean to me and nice to her "aweful" (sorry) mom. I get it now, and she finally loves coming over and sitting at the kitchen table with me, and without her phone! Now I love being a dad. Thanks again.
-Duane, Salt Lake
I couldn't think of ways to punish my son anymore. Nothing worked. Thanks to your words, I get that I was doing things backwards. With one little shift oh my goodness. He listens, minds most the time and I am having to get used to him agreeing. I am amazed. Thanks you from the bottom of my heart.
-Natalie, Denver Co.
My son hid in his room for months, gaming, computers, drinking Mt. Dew and who knows what! And his hygene was aweful. After a few short sessions with Dr. Darlene, I understoond exactly what to say, and how to say it. It took a while but now our favorite thing to do is ride bikes togther. He and I are on the same page and I couldn't be more thankful!!!!!! Thank you expert DOC!
-Adriene, San Diego Ca.
Dr. Darlene,
My son liked the weirdes clothes and to do the most interesting things...But now, I am loving watching him be his own person. I love how you said when we plant a seed, sometimes we don't know if it will trun out to be a daisy or a pine tree. It is fun watching him grow the way God meant him to.
-Maddie, Orem Utah.
Cutting, weed, low grades and attitude changed in a few short weeks. I would recommend Dr. Darlene to anyone who wants their kid back. We are friends now and he is getting good grades.
-Andy, St. Louis Mo
Dr Darlene came highly recommended to me by my parent advocate and I am extremely grateful. I was struggling to learn how to navigate my situation and I knew things needed to change.
This past year has been a difficult one as I have watched my teen struggling with depression, suicide, running away from home ending with attendance at a private boarding school. Since returning home, he has slipped back on his previous path. Through this trial I discovered you can’t change someone and their behavior, you can only change you. Darlene helped me view my son as a normal teen that wants to make his own choices. In the few appointments I have met with Darlene, the change in my perspective, and parenting style has given me contentment and freedom to love myself and my son.
Parenting is HARD, but reaching out to Darlene gave me the confidence, knowledge, and encouragement I needed. Darlene truly cares about me, my son, and my family. Working with Darlene has been life-changing!!
- Jessi L, UT
"There is NO ONE on this earth that could have brought my parents and I back together. I have you and your sweet soul to thank for that. Also, I want to express my gratitude for helping me understand that like you, TRUTH, is my center. I will never forget that!"
-B Cambell
"I cannot recommend Dr. Darlene highly enough. She was the only therapist that actually helped when my 13 year old was going through a terrible time in his life. Dr. Darlene helped me understand him and gave me real tools I could use immediately. I sought out the best people for my son but it was Dr. Darlene that truly opened a door that created a shift in his life. She really understands all ages and developmental stages and her common sense approach worked for us when nothing else was working. My husband and I are now seeing her for relationship counseling and once again she can somehow cut through and help shift the dynamic without years of therapy."