Ep. 9 How to Declutter Your Mind, Quickly! | What Stops You | Dr Darlene

Ep. 9 How to Declutter Your Mind, Quickly!

how to declutter your mind

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I'm getting ready to go the gym in just a little bit and I thought, "you know, I'm going to take a minute to share one of the most important things in my life." How to declutter your mind quickly.

Who needs that? Just baby boomers or everybody? I think everyone does. How much do you need to declutter your mind? 1 to 10. 0 being, "I don't need to declutter my room or my mind because I am literally organized and everything's in order." 10 would be, "Oh and no, no, no. Just a minute. What? Wait, what did you say? Wait. I wasn't listening." On a scale from one to 10 where are you right now?

I know that on a scale from one to 10 I need this process probably more than anything I teach ever. I need it more than self-esteem. I need it more than anything. There is a whole lot of stuff going on in my mind. Just tons of stuff going on in my mind.

Let's get busy 

Let's get busy quickly on the goal and I promise you whatever you are, 1 to 10, you will be more organized by the time we're done with this read by far and away. You'll probably end up to be 0 to 3 or 4 at the most. Are you ready? Okay.

First thing 

I want you to do is to listen carefully and do a lot of visualization. If you're sitting in your room, maybe you can get a piece of paper and a pencil. If you're doing it in your mind what you want to do is think about everything going on in the conscious mind right now. Not the unconscious retrieval stuff, but in your mind right now that wants attention in the conscious mind.

The conscious mind 

The conscious mind is The Little Mermaid and she is in her grotto with all her treasures and she is playing with them. "Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat?" She's looking at everything. What she's actively focusing on is a conscious mind. Everything else is in the unconscious mind. She knows what is there and that she could retrieve it, but on the conscious mind, what you're currently focused on is the conscious mind. Go ahead and think for a minute. Write it down or think about it. Thinking about all those things, your taxes, your to-do list for today, this person is calling, and lots and lots on your conscious mind.

When I do this in my office with clients, most commonly, they will take a literal legal pad and fill up two columns. One or two pages. On the conscious mind, all of those things are trying to get attention. It's like everyone raising their hand asking for a drink of water and that's too many because there's only one fountain. You need to line them all up. I'm going to share with you what to do about this. Let me explain to you how the conscious mind is different than the unconscious mind.

According to research, as you may know, the unconscious mind is almost unlimited. There's no capacity limit that any of us know about. We can continue to learn as long as our neurological pathways will respond to stimulus so we can continue to grow, change and learn. The conscious mind, in contrast, has a super limitation and the limitation is it can't process, very many things at the same time. Studies show that you can actually only process one thing at a time.

You're thinking of multitasking and you're saying, "but, but, but I'm really good at that!" Well, the facts are, if you're good at multitasking, you're actually flipping from one thing to the next so fast. It seems like you're doing it at the same time. For the sake of this conversation, to simplify it, let's just say, okay, fine. We can think of a few things at the same time-ish, and how many of those things can we think about at the same time? Let's count them.

You're reading my words to me. As you're reading, intently thinking, "my life's going to change in the next 10 minutes." Then, you get a text that DINGs and you check it, you can still read my words while you're listening to that text alert. Then you think, "oh my gosh, I've got to go and get groceries." Well, you can think of those three things at the same time, can't you? Yeah, you can and then what's going to happen? Oh, there's a siren that goes by, so you need to close the window. You can still read. You still know the text that came in and you know what you're going to be cooking it in just an hour or so and you can sit there and wonder how the family is, you know, or something bad or why is there a siren?

There are about five bits of information that your unconscious can process at the same time. It's really not the same time, but it seems like the same time. The scientific formula, is seven plus or minus two bits of information at once that the conscious mind can process. The conscious mind can process seven plus or minus two bits of information at the same time. If you take seven plus two that would be nine minus two is fine. The conscious mind can hold about five to nine bits of information at the same time.

If you can do nine, it starting to get a little more into the subconscious. Let's just go with five. Let's just say you can think of about five things at once on the conscious level, how many did you write down? If you only wrote two down, you don't need this advice. You'll be one of the Zen masters who have everything organized. But if you wrote down more than five things, then you need to keep listening and applying this as I do.

If I wrote down all the things on my conscious mind, it's scary, like a horror movie scary thing. With sound effects, and then a subwoofer, and then there's a dark blue shadow that goes by, and then there are light things that come by, and then there are angels singing because so much of my life is just so good!

Tupperware containers

We have this big list. We have five categories that we need to break this big list into. The five categories are work, logistics, health, family, social. You've got these categories in your mind and I'm going to take a sharpie marker and write the name of the categories on each new list. I've got work and logistics for me now. We're going to take the five categories in, line them up and everything on your list, you're going to project into the category.

Let's do Work first. project, everything. When I put an item from the list into my "Tupperware" then my mind can start to clean up and it feels so nice!

Rinse and repeat 

Then I have personal health, personal health. For me, personal slash, health, I had terrible health issues. I was suicidal for a very brief moment in my life and almost ruined my liver with medication. Would have had a separate container for that. But because it's all taken care of now in a really great way, through a process that I've been through for many years, I have no health issues that I know of that are showing up. I'm going to put personal, emotional things, or working out the gym with health. So personal and health are kind of together. Continue going with your categories. Which categories do you have? Do you have hobbies that need to be a whole category?

Now what? 

So, you make each category nicely here, you'll say, "Now what do I do? I feel so much better." Take a minute to introspect. Put your feet on the ground allow Mother Earth to support you and energetically connect with her. Open the top of your head, and connect to source and hire enlightenment and knowledge. Feel your heart beating. Notice what thoughts do I have in my conscious mind? Any remanence goes ahead and set them where they go.

You have your five containers. Now, what do you do? Do you have a better mental focus right now? Do you have better brain focus right now? Yes, you do. For those of you are hearing this for the first time, you should feel markedly different if you are used to my work, this will clear this all up right now and you can go forward with your life.

Don’t discard all that you have just done! 

I want you to take your Tupperware and stack them. Stack them however deep they are. All of this is your conscious mind stuff. We're not getting rid of anything. We're not throwing anything away. We're just organizing your clutter. Notice what it's like. What if you put your stack back here? That's got to feel bad and weird. The best place is usually about right in eye site but off the side. I can see you and I can see who I need to talk to. I can see my friends. The best gift you can give your friends is your presence. When the time is right, I will take the one that says work and bring it up and work with all of it and I'm so freaking focused. I actually have organized thinking techniques that are just rocking and rolling right now. Nothing else but work. It's a beautiful thing. Then I put it back. Next, I'm going to pull out my family.

Have a presence with your family. Clutter and anxiety go together. You now have peace and presence with your family. Put everything back in, it's time to go to bed.

True peace of mind 

Your mind is free and clear to sleep, to rejuvenate until tomorrow. These topics can change often. I have to stop myself often and take a moment to check where are all my thoughts. Which categories do I have? Which way are we doing it? Again, put them where they need to go and then go forward with presence.

I love knowing how to do this. Thank you universe for showing me how to mentally file my thoughts and declutter in just the right way. To have the brain power and focus that helps me become my best and highest good. As you do this, notice how it feels. Feeling good is a good thing. I appreciate you for who you are and thank you very much for letting me be part of your life. Have a great day. Talk soon.

Darlene Braden
