Ep. 43 16 NLP Presuppositions, part 4. Be Flexible

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NLP stands for Neuro linguistic programming. Neuro, the mind; linguistics, thinking patterns; and programming, how it all comes together- our minds have programs that run.
It all started when two scientists, Bandler and Grinder, a computer programmer, and a linguist, decided to have lunch in the early 1970s. Over a sandwich they realized that their areas of expertise were not so different. They began to understand that a computer operates much the same way as the human mind does. They started modeling the internal thinking patterns of those people who are successful and realized they could create a step-by-step process to teach people who didn’t have the same skill. It was magical, people were making changes in one moment!!
They came up with 16 NLP presuppositions which are basic beliefs or assumptions that exist in human behavior. These assumptions are what therapists/counselors/coaches/helpers, presuppose are occurring naturally in human behavior. . Just like a geologist has basic assumptions about the earth, assumptions such as, gravity exists, Inertia occurs, photosynthesis occurs, and the sun comes up each day in the east. After these assumptions are understood then the geologist can discover more about how the world operates. Human behavior is the same way. These 16 presuppositions are super powerful yet quite counterintuitive. There are five parts to this series and I hope you enjoy learning and revisiting each one and applying it in your life.
Results will be: greater understanding, forgiveness, patience, lack of judgment, better communication and better at creating your own life
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If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to www.whatstopsyou.com
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Talk soon Dar-lings!