Ep. 36 Time Part 2 Organizational Skills

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We have mentioned no one has more than 24 hours in a day. It’s like a solid metal shopping cart that has sides, top, and a bottom shut tightly. How much can you fit in there? The truth is you can smash things in but they’ll get damaged.
Do you smash in your children and your time to where they’re resentful? Do you smash your plants in and put things all over it so the plant comes out yucky? From now on let’s not say, “I don’t have time.” Let’s just lose that phrase from our jargon and instead say, “No I didn’t plan for it.” Or, “I don’t want to” or “It doesn’t fit in my calendar at this time.” We don’t help ourselves by saying we don’t have time. We are true to ourselves and to others when we say that the task doesn’t fit.
Effective time management is about setting priorities. Studies show the average mind can process only about five areas at one time. I.e. a child asks for a drink, you’re getting food out of the microwave, at the same time, you’re thinking about a 5 o’clock deadline, you remember you need to call the babysitter or have your kids come pick their kids up because you are the babysitter, your spouse comes in to tell you something that is interesting, and then you get a text. You can process most of this at the same time, but there is a point where you feel overloaded and you might scream! Five pieces of information feel like overload doesn’t it and seven things to think about is just too much.
Let’s keep our minds uncluttered let’s use a planning system to store and record most of our tasks and things that we do so we have the capacity to be in the moment with whomever we can and want to be with. The proper planning system must include a to-do list, a calendar of appointments and times, a section for phone numbers and addresses, a week at a time monthly calendar, you can look at a glance. I recommend having a hard copy as well as on your phone. I have some kind of planners you order from Amazon. You also need scratch paper for doodling and graffiti. You can use your notepad for this, but a hardcopy is always super great. Make sure this is all portable and with you at all times.
Now we move into time management tools assessment how good are you at the following things? Rating 1 sucks and 5 is super awesome. How would you rate in the following areas?
I understand I only have 24 hours in a day. I understand that when I say yes to something I’m saying no to other things. When I say no to something I’m saying yes to others. (This opens up possibilities.) I have a planning system with me at all appropriate times. I work a maximum of 8 to 10 hours a day. I leave eight hours a day for leisure time. I sleep eight hours a night. I make my bed every morning. (I go into the benefits of that quite nicely which is all really interesting seriously.) My bedroom is straight and orderly. My office is straight and orderly. My desk is free of clutter. My files are organized. I know where all my stuff is. My car is clean inside and out. I dress appropriately for my job description. (Check out Carol Tuttle she’s got this wired.) I focus on one task at a time. I have no more than five areas of my life. I focus and burn a hole in what I’m doing. I have a highlighting planning system.
There’s so much more check out my next podcast part three!
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Talk soon Dar-lings!