Ep. 34 How to Make and Keep Friends

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in my last podcast, called how to make good friends, We talked about how to MAKE new friends. Find a best friend or make friends as an adult. This podcast is how to KEEP them and have a synergistic relationship for life. We talked about girls having girlfriends and guys having buddies. All this info is interchangeable so keep that in mind if I refer to girlfriends or guy friends. In the how to make friends podcast I mentioned you do it by making lists of old friends and reacquainting, using verbiage such as, “ Hey call me or you want to get coffee?” And then sorting and looking around for girlfriends realizing they’re all over, you just need to ask.
One on one girlfriends are really awesome, healthy relationships that are long term are irreplaceable, there is no doubt! And having two girlfriends is even better. How about three or four. Now in High school groups are a bit harder because there is jealousy. i hope we have grown out of that. But if not, I share a bit more about the death of jealousy! So make sure you hang out to hear more about that.
The BEST way to KEEP friends is to plan and organize and GO on a girls trip… OR a trip with your buddies! Guaranteed to make your bond deeper or split you up, right?? lol
I’ve been to park city, Caribbean cruise, Hawaii, Los Angeles, and various beaches, or even a sleepover at one of our friends homes. We all go dancing, dining, golfing, or hiking. We all have a text group so we can stay in touch and share ideas or relationship drama or wish each other happy birthday. Right now we are planning Thursday Margarita night at Chili's restaurant for a standing girls date. We all look forward to it so much.
Even if one of us moves far away, they are still on the text group. when they visit it is always a celebration.
Do you what to have a girl group and maybe go on a girls trip?
Create and enjoy a Girlfriend Group” with three key points.
Three key points on how girl groups work:
- Obviously, you have a group of girls who have something in common, certainly not everything. You may have one girl group for freaking fun dancing and looking for guys, and you may have another girls group that’s more of a higher enlightenment group and share spiritual feelings, you then may have another girl group of religious similarities where you may serve together, you may have another girl group of those who all have children and you get together as mothers or grandmothers with your kids. All girl groups fulfill different needs that you have.
But let me explain how you can keep a girl group together and why they work and why sometimes they don’t.
- Let’s say you have a girl group of five. One of the things that makes the girl group cohesive is when each person in the group has a personal relationship with each other girl. Let’s say you have Suzy and Anna in your group. They get together for lunch and then Anna and Grace go to a movie together. Grace and Heather go walking on Wednesdays. Heather and Sandra go to McDonald’s every Thursday with the kids/grandkids.
When any of the girls in the group run into another girlfriend it seems to fit, they invite them to an outing, and of everyone in the original group seems to feel a rapport then they just naturally mesh with that group.
- It’s fun to make a group me or a group text to keep in touch and plan events and share special pictures or occasions or exciting news. This keeps the relationship solid in between outings.
When each member of the group has an individual relationship with each of the other girls in the group that’s what makes a tight friend group.
When I was in high school I felt bad when Debbie and Ellen got together, and Debbie felt bad if Ellen and I got together and didn’t include her. As we grow out of that, we see that that’s super appropriate, when two of my friends went and did something without me, as I support them and love that they did that, it becomes appropriate when I do one on one activities or phone calls with one of the other girls. In a mature group of girls, there can be such love that we honor respect all of the relationships within our circle and nurture each other’s relationships.
Girl groups that won’t work have more of the high school mentality of ego or competition. Being popular and discriminating, that’s not what we’re looking for here as we mature.
Also, in your girl’s group, there can be no jealousy anywhere. Not a trace. There’s a saying “you can’t be jealous of a friend” because if you’re jealous of someone you’re not the real friend. If your real friend won $1 million you would be nothing but happy for her. Check your jealousy meter ladies. If you feel jealousy it means you’re not the real friend.
If you are married, it is still necessary to reach out to your feminine friends and enjoy that relationship!
So reach out and join like-minded gals to chat with, laugh with, cry with and grow with.
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If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to www.whatstopsyou.com
I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic! How this information has helped you?
Talk soon Dar-lings!