Ep. 21 Being Fabulous at 50 | What Stops You | Dr Darlene

Ep. 21 Being Fabulous at 50

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Reinventing yourself after 50? Well, join the club. There are millions of us that feel like we’re going through puberty again but the opposite direction. Oh goodness. What is happening? But, 50 and fabulous is natural when you reinvent yourself in an appropriate way, not all at once but let it unfold. 

Get out the door and be social with people or alone. Have close and deep relationships when your social or just surface chatting over a drink... Set your alarm and get up and go do things. Get a job, get to the park with your dog, go to a Meet up with a group of like-minded individuals. 

But what do you wear? How do you dress your age? How do you dress your truth? Carol Tuttle talks a lot about that and I recommend checking her out. She’s an awesome resource. Through your expression and your dress learn how to express yourself and know how to look good. 

I talk about the fact that living your truth is possible when we understand that we actually dress our insides. We don’t dress our bodies as much as our insides. If you feel sexy even if you’re overweight or out of shape a person might dress sexy, if your personality is conservative inside you may dress conservatively even if you have a beautiful physical body. Isn't that cool to know? Our physical bodies in terms of health also reflect on how we feel, so get up, get to the gym, feel fresh. 

We then talked about how to behave to be fabulous. How about to flirt with your man over 50? How do you flirt with our significant other? How about being a little more sexual and enjoying that with a smile on your face?

Being fabulous over 50 is truly wonderful as we live our best years!!

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If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to www.whatstopsyou.com

I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!


Darlene Braden
