Sabotage Classes | What Stops You | Dr Darlene

Overcoming Self-Sabotage Podcasts

What STOPS you from having a balanced, flourishing life?


Find out and fix what STOPS you in these laid-back, content rich, Overcome Self-Sabotage Classes.


Get your life together, understand your mind, body, and spirit in a user-friendly way. 


Decades of tried and true techniques and skills.


The biggest mystery to anyone, is yourself. Right? Well let’s fix that. Understand how your mind works and why.


Learn what STOPS you, and overcome self-sabotage, now.


Dr. Darlene

Your Mind Coach

Upcoming Podcasts 

#8 Attracting your Ideal Mate,

Made simple..

April 18

You know those perfect partnerships? 

Well, what did a person actually do, to attract their mate so easily? 

Psych science (NLP) has modeled actions, attitudes, and energies off those couples, and we have seen there are 7 steps they naturally took. And now we can teach these steps to others to model.  

In this class we will discuss the 7 steps to attract your perfect match! And it works. 

I have coached 100's of clients with this method and the proof is in the relationships I have seen unfold. 

See you in class. 

#9 Why am I so insecure?

The Trick to Self-esteem for a lifetime

April 25.

Did you know that the default setting for people is insecurity! Wow. That's a problem.  

Who are you? Who are you really? What would your life be like if you were secure in yourself? Secure in your thoughts, actions and attitudes?

In this class I will easily explain what insecurity is, and how to fix it quickly with a turn of the head. 

Even inner child issues can begin to be shifted in this class. 

Come with an open mind and be ready to start embracing the REAL you. The beautiful real you. 

#10 Belief Zapper! Change unconscious problems in a wink

Discover what your limiting beliefs are…learn how to change them instantly!! Learn how beliefs are formed in your cells and DNA before the age of 18. Go through powerful belief changing exercises… Hear stories and examples of those who came from dust to prophets.

May 2

Past Classes with On Demand Recording

On Demand 

$15 per class

#1 Speaking Your Truth! Safely

Feb 28, 2022

Here’s your WEEKLY BOOST

Can you imagine really speaking your truth, all the time, in every situation?! What would that look like? What would it be like? 

Learn the power of speaking your truth to yourself first, then others, in this user-friendly powerful chat. 

Life changing tips coming your way. 

Power punched class

*Please contact us at to register for this specific class

On Demand

$15 per class

#2 Quickly Understand Your Internal Conflicts 

March 7, 2022

Here’s your WEEKLY BOOST!

Inner conflicts cause you to be STOPPED, or stuck. They cause confusion, frustration, anxiety, depression, failure and inner pain. 

What if you could Quickly pinpoint your inner conflicts and rapidly shift them to integrate together? 

Peace = being in one piece mentally. 

Can you imagine it?


  • Part of you wants to EAT a lot but maybe part of you wants to eat clean and light. 
  • Part of you wants to go to this class but part of you thinks you don’t have time.
  • Part of you wants to be outgoing but part of you wants to stay safe inside your house
  • Maybe part of you wants to look at other men/women, but part of you wants to stay loyal to you partner
  • Maybe part of you loves God but part of you might be mad at God for various reasons. 

Conflicts can be large or small. Do you want to figure this out?

Well join me Monday. We will fix that right away. 

Living in congruence is AMAZING.  See you then.

6pm MST

$15 per class

#3 STOP Caring What Others Think. Who Gives A Shi*  

March 14, 2022

Here’s your WEEKLY BOOST

What would it be like to live life without caring what others think of you?? But what’s that balance of having to care so others will purchase your goods, or come to your party? 

EVERYONE wants to be liked and accepted but where is a powerful line between not caring appropriately, and NOT giving a shi* what others think?! Can you imagine really feeling that? How much inner power would you have if you knew that balance?

Learn powerful little unconscious tweaks, to live inside YOUR perception and reality, and live life on purpose.

I guarantee you will dramatically shift in this class and make marked improvements towards NOT caring what others think of you, appropriately.   


Bring a hand mirror to class. Be ready to relax and visualize so be in a quiet place by yourself. 

6pm MST

$15 per class

#4 Critical Communications 101 (Yes Critical!)

March 21,2022 

Here’s your WEEKLY BOOST. 

Since we are ALWAYS communicating, even when we look down and try not to engage, it’s a must to understand ourselves and others and how the heck to engage. What to say, how to say it, why to say it that way or this way, what attitude drives unconscious communication, and how to be authentic in your speech and actions. 

Wouldn’t that be great? 

Let’s talk about a few vital counter-intuitive NO-No’s and YES’ so we can have a better flow of understanding between those people we care about. Parents, kids, friends, colleagues and your life partner.   

Have more friends instantly, have closer relationships that are real and live your life on purpose.  

6pm MST



March 23, 2022 

Hey there!

Heads up on this one, I don’t usually do free stuff, but I am, this coming Wednesday!

Has your brain ever wanted to explode?

Well my Monday classes are so full of content - that I thought we needed to get together for a Free Zoom class and chat about the last four classes.


Anyone can come, even if you didn’t attend all of the Monday classes.

We're going to talk about what we learned and I can answer questions for you.

Awesome Q & A

I know a lot of you have questions so this will be great.

Last four classes were about:
Speaking your Truth, SAFELY
Quickly Understanding Your Internal Conflicts
How to STOP Caring What Others Think
Critical Communications 101 (Yes Critical!)

#5 Making Sense of People. Oh I get it!

March 28, 2022

Aren’t other people confusing? What the heck! They are all so different! Some people like this and some like that, and everyone has such a different opinion about Everything! 

Do you sometimes want to turn off your phone and hide in the wilderness in a cabin somewhere?

Ok. So let’s figure this out, and talk about what is true about all people-what do we all have in common and why? 

In this workshop you will overcome being judgmental and all judgment of others.

The basic human presuppositions are a nice list of assumptions that I suppose are true, for all clients that come into my office. 

Learn what they are and experience exercises to apply them to your individual limiting beliefs and life problems. 

Take actions by understanding different views of each situation. Control your life.

Example Presuppositions: Everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have; Everyone has a positive intention underneath everything they do; we can’t Not communicate; there is no failure only feedback: choice is better than no choice, etc.

People will make sense to you, after this content rich class!

See you there

#6  Organize your Brain and Delete Confusion, Today

April 4, 2022

The noise, the traffic, the sounds, things to do, places to go! My job, Ukraine, politics, who am I, global warming, my kids, the dog!!!


“Excuse me is the screaming in my mind too loud and bothering you?”

We can all relate to that!

So what to do about it?

In this quick one hour-ish class I promise you, you will delete confusion and organize your brain like you’ve never thought possible. I will teach you a process called Mental Filing on an unconscious level, that can change your world!

I do this process with myself every single day, or you’d see me running in circles like a chicken that is scared of being attacked. It would be awful to Watch! Lol.

Come learn this process because you know you’re worth it.

What would the cost be to you, if you didn’t learn this process?

Relationships? Physical health? Financial success?

I’m excited to share with you.

#7  Boundaries. Exactly How to Set Boundaries That Work

April 11, 2022

What is a boundary and how do you set them? How do you enforce them? How do you even know what boundary you should set? There is a skill to knowing how and where and why to use boundaries. Learn powerful ways to assess and force self-loving boundaries with respect for those around you.

 A boundary is like a fence. It isn’t telling anyone else to what to do, rather it’s saying what works for you. It is protecting your mind your heart your body and your airspace around you. It’s setting a fence in the appropriate place to protect you with the stopgap in all areas of your life. For example, with emotional boundaries with relationships, family boundaries with life choices, boundaries in the workplace with co-workers. Setting healthy personal boundaries can help not just you but those you come in contact with each day.

 I'll show four steps to setting boundaries that are nice and firm. I repeat nice and firm. Not too nice like, “Gosh, you should be nice to me,"...or too firm like, “you horrible person you need to go to hell for that!” Nice and Firm boundary says, “If you…..then I’ll.....and I love you. Any questions?”

 Four steps include

   Have a little talk with yourself.--Decide what do you really want to happen.

   Set that boundary.--Decide exactly what boundary you want and what will work for you and what will definitely not work for you.

   Prepare to hold your ground.--Decide how to enforce that boundary, let’s see if that happens again what will you do?

   Stick to your guns.--Let others know your boundary before you start to enforce it.
