In any business there must be four hats worn each day. Your company could consist of just you, the owner and operator, or it could consist of over 2,000 employees. By managing these four hats, you will increase revenue through efficiency and decrease costs by eliminating waste and disorganization.
All of these jobs are very important. When a company loses its Captain, it runs into an iceberg and drowns. With no Deck Support, things get lost and the company crashes. Without a Technician, no product is delivered; thus no revenue. If a company loses its Dreamer the company’s vision is lost and the company experiences a slow death.
If hats are worn by employees other than the General Manager, the Captain needs to hold the employee accountable to staying on task and completing the job. The General Manager also needs to hold the Captain accountable to receive appropriate information and complete necessary tasks.
A ship cannot run without a crew. Although the hats and tasks are separate and different, it is imperative to hold a weekly staff meeting to stay on the same page. Nothing hurts a company faster than the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing; having hats sprawled all over the place and getting lost. Staff meetings can be rewarding when they are consistent and will result in your company’s progress.
The human mind can get confused easily. The unconscious can only attend to about five tasks at once so juggling four hats is a skill that needs to be developed. Do this by separating the four hats in your mind. Realize and recognize which hat you are wearing and focus on the job that you are doing. Be clear in your mind what task you are completing and consciously switch your hat when needed.
The Captain needs to assess when each hat needs to be worn and when. Sometimes the Captain’s hat will take all day and the Dreamer’s hat is saved for the weekend. It may be that the Technician hat is not worn for a few weeks until a job needs to be completed. This expertise is valuable and becomes more thorough when the Captain steps back and looks at the whole company from a broader perspective.
Each hat is fulfilling and rewarding in its own way. Take satisfaction in tasks well done, keep your hats in order and enjoy smooth sailing!