Are Your Beliefs Moving you to Action? | What Stops You | Dr Darlene

Are Your Beliefs Moving you to Action?

Is a belief real or not? Think about it. The definition of real is something that can be documented by science and is tangible and testable.

If I believe that the world is scary, am I right? I am to myself, but not to science. My neighbor may believe that the world is fun and full of opportunity. Is she right? To herself, yes, but it can’t be proven by science. With this information, we can conclude that beliefs are not real ! So if beliefs are not even real, then we must be able to change them . Let me explain.

Because our perceptions are not real, we are all walk ing around with our own reality in our own little private worlds with all our meanings and stories about ourselves, others, and beliefs about the world.

Even memories of our past are not real. If a football was in the middle of the room and someone moved it, it would no longer be here, would it? We may have a memory of the football, but it is not real at all now.

So if this is the case, why do past events still seem so real right now? Why do you feel rejected, sad or traumatized just by remembering an event? If it is not real, is in the past and is not present now, why does one feel the emotion years, decades, and possibly a half century later?

The answer is quite simple. Our experiences cause us to attach meanings and beliefs to the stimulus (a memory, thought, smell, sound or even a place). These feelings are coded in our physical bodies. When we come across a specific memory or other stimuli, those meanings, beliefs and feelings resurface.

Are any of these limiting beliefs familiar?

  • I am not capable in business.
  • I don’t deserve money.
  • Money is hard to get.
  • I am not good enough.
  • I am not talented.
  • Others abandon me.
  • Other people are lucky in business.
  • The world is out to get me.

Take a moment now to realize that these statements are beliefs . Although beliefs may feel, sound and look real, they are not real !

How much more successful will you be when you believe:

  • There is a lot of money out there.
  • I am capable of some things.
  • I am good enough for the things I am good at.
  • I am talented at some things.
  • Others support me.
  • I am lucky in business.
  • The world supports all my dreams.

Look at your limiting beliefs from the perspective of a successful person that you honor and respect. What would they say about your limiting beliefs? How would they look at them differently? How can you begin to look at your limiting beliefs differently?

With positive beliefs you can increase your revenue and decrease costs. The cost of your new belief is only the price of your time to think differently, read a positive book or listen to an audio program to assist you. Wow!

It is exciting to know that you can have control over your thoughts.

