Your Mind Coach
FREE EBOOK Will Show You Exactly What Stops You From Having A Balanced Life So You Can Be The Person That Everybody Wants To Be Around 🙂
What STOPS you from REAL growth?

Here is where I will help you:
Up until three weeks ago I had all but walked away completely from my company. I’ve done a full 180 degree reversal since then.
I believe people should get involved with me now. I don’t think I believed that fully in months past. Even though I’ve been told that and even though I’ve read it, it still didn’t really mean anything to me. It was too much of an “idea” rather than a reality. Well, now the reality is that I’ve experienced it and now I believe it.
Even if the worst happens and they aren’t able to find the money, it doesn’t matter, because I know there are people out there who need this opportunity and my new found conviction is real. I felt it yesterday and at these past few events. I know it exists. And that’s all I need. Your help through all of this personal growth transition has been huge.
Since you spoke of balance tonight, it made me chuckle because the last month (since my surgery left me with only one walkable leg) has all been about balance.
You are wonderful! I think to talk about the body over the phone and teach people would be difficult, but you do it so well. Throughout the week, your words pop into my head. Though I’m limited in what I can do physically now, I still implement what I can.
While I’m in a wheelchair (or roll-a-bout) my fear was about becoming a fat blimp. I’ve actually had a couple of people tell me that they think I’ve lost weight.
Peggy - Maryland
What Stops You? is a fascinating and eloquently written book. The more I ponder the question of what stops me, the more I find the resources to realize my dreams. I wonder when I gave up on my dreams or decided it was too late? What Stops You? has opened my eyes and invigorated my motivation to dream again. How incredibly refreshing! Working with Darlene has catalyzed my own abilities to create more, live balanced, and once again be open to living a more fulfilled life. What a journey!
Chris Edmonds
I felt good when I woke up today because of last weeks session. I didn’t think I could feel even better. But after today’s session I’ve never had my mind so calm! Oh my, it’s like a blanket wrapping around me, and circling me. Thank you!