Articles | What Stops You | Dr Darlene

Ep. 40 16 NLP Presuppositions Part 1

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NLP stands for Neuro linguistic programming. Neuro, the mind; linguistics, thinking patterns; and programming, how it all comes together- our minds have programs that run.

It all started when two scientists, Bandler and Grinder, a computer programmer, and a linguist, decided to have lunch in the early 1970s. Over a sandwich they realized that their areas of expertise were not so different. They began to understand that a computer operates much the same way as the human mind does. They started modeling the internal thinking patterns of those people who are successful and realized they could create a step-by-step process to teach people who didn’t have the same skill. It was magical, people were making changes in one moment!!

They came up with 16 NLP presuppositions which are basic beliefs or assumptions that exist in human behavior. These assumptions are what therapists/counselors/coaches/helpers, presuppose are occurring naturally in human behavior. . Just like a geologist has basic assumptions about the earth, assumptions such as, gravity exists, Inertia occurs, photosynthesis occurs, and the sun comes up each day in the east. After these assumptions are understood then the geologist can discover more about how the world operates. Human behavior is the same way. These 16 presuppositions are super powerful yet quite counterintuitive. There are five parts to this series and I hope you enjoy learning and revisiting each one and applying it in your life.

Results will be: greater understanding, forgiveness, patience, lack of judgment, better communication and better at creating your own life.

Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to

I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!



Ep. 39 11 Steps on How to Breakup

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The age old question: How do I break up with someone I care about? How do you break up with someone nicely? Without hurting him/her? How about breaking up without hurting myself and making me feel like I am going to die? Today, I want to address the PAIN of breaking up and how to really break free from THAT person  and end up in one piece! PEACE

What will I do? How will I manage, I will miss him. How can I live without her? Oh the things we were going to do! So many thoughts! But underneath it all, the deepest questions is WHO am I if we are not together? This is why breaking up, when you don’t want to, is SO painful!! We have the good memories, the missing out on the future we could have had, the things that could have been, and the loss of someone by our side, the loss of sharing duties, on and on. But as I mentioned the most painful part is who am I?


I have had a few break ups that were so painful, I say I would rather break my leg, than do that again! The pain is so deep, it seems to destroy us! At a core level. At an I AM level! So many layers to the pain. Is there a WAY to break up emotionally?


If you have had enough and you realize it is time to move on, and you are ready, or even if you are not quite ready, but are going to TRY to break up and want to know HOW to break up with someone, listen up. The thing is, your unconscious will reply many of your good memories of the person you are breaking up with. Over and over it plays. Oh how painful it is. There is always good in every relationship. You married or were with this person for a reason! When you close your eyes and remember, it's like it is real again and if feels good again, for a minute. Just know you are doing that. This replaying is called a “counterfactual.” A counterfactual is when the mind replays to try to make more sense out of the experience. What I could have  done, should have done, etc… in a way, it is the unconscious trying process HOW NOT to not make the same mistake gain. This can be a good thing. If we never had a counterfactual reply, we would never learn from our relationships and our doings.


The main thing to help you through a break up is to have faith and hope in your future. To focus on creating it. IT is hard, I KNOW. it seems that you will never ever find a good partner, ever. Our minds loop, and think that if we didn't make this work we are doomed to be alone or to always lose at love.


When I was getting divorced years ago, I did not even like or love my husband, but my mind still found ways to remember good things and replay them over and over. I missed his arms around me. I had a friend say to me, and it rings in my ear today 20 years later, “There are other arms” Soon after, I really did find more arms to wrap me, but this time with safety and honor.

Know you will address this, at the end of this list.


  1. Make a list of all your triggers. He rode a racing bike, she used to go to that coffee shop etc. Add to the list every time you think of something else that triggers you. Or hooks you.
  2. Make a list of what you WISH they did or were like. (The “Dang it, too bad” list.)
  3. Notice your heart. Pull the strings of love out and start flowing them to those that deserve them. Maybe start with your dog. Flow them away from the break up person, back to  your dog or you cute house of something that deserves your love.
  4. Check your identity. Who are you? Who are you without them. Ouch… if they were part of you, it is time to take action to BE you, independent of anyone else. Get some mojo!!!!! Read books, sing songs, get out and about, FIND you, BE you!
  5. Stop caring about how they feel. Diffuse, dilute, dissipate caring how they feel. Pull that caring how they feel back to your body, breath it back, then flow this to your dog too. I think this is where the saying Lucky Dog comes in. lol
  6. See a pic of them in your head. Make it smaller. Change the colors. Change the vibration by slowing it down or speeding it up. Push the pic out about a foot...Notice how the pic has changed. Now notice how the pic is spinning, Take a minute to be mindful and feel it. Now spin it the other direction. Pull it into your chest, feel it, now let it leave your body. Send it out to the universe to go and find a gift this experience gave you. Wait for it…. When it returns, what is the gift?
  7. Addressing your counterfactual: What did you learn to NEVER do again? Write it down 4 times.! Thank your unconscious for trying to help you… “Thank you very much but I don't need you to replay it any more!!”
  8. Touch your heart. Tap it 20 times.  Love it. Give it love. Rub it slowly.
  9. Put sticky notes all over your mirror of what you want to believe about the next relationship. He/she will be my life’s philosophical equal, or they will be kind etc…
  10. Every time you think of them, HEAVE a breath breath OUT.  A few times or as many times as it takes to feel differently.
  11. Focus on what does work in your life. See all the things you are grateful for.


Make sure to listen to my Can I love again Podcast

Take time to do you! Get to the place where you Love to be with you. You love you.

It’s nice to know you are not alone. You are an amazing soul all by yourself. You do not NEED that person to drag you down. Breath, heave, look forward and create your life. You are the engineer of you life. What are you going to create today ??


Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to

I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!



Ep. 38 TIME Part 4. I Feel Like I am Going Crazy

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There are many ways to go crazy in life, but if you’re crazy comes from your life’s disorganization listen up. I continue in part 4, super cool ideas I’ve come up with. Of course, you can grab my e-book, Time Equals Money, Organize Your Mind in the World, on my website and follow along, or just listen up. We talk about decluttering, being on time, insomnia, dumping your head so that you can be in the present moment, using a pencil and eraser, clearing your heart planner because you don’t have a delete button, saying no and why that’s useful at times, weekly planning meetings with your family and friends, and getting issues out of your head like I’m mad at my neighbor or I’m feeling rejected. Recognizing you have a conscious and unconscious mind and honoring and respecting that, planning the night before, understanding leaders delegate, and what’s your value per hour? All of these are huge topics and we cover them in a great way. Hope this helps!

Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to

I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!



Ep. 37 TIME Part 3. Not Enough Time in My Day

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Continuing on with my favorite topic, how to organize your life with organizational skills, The principles of time management can be so exciting, understanding we have no more than 24 hours in a day and no one else does either! With this podcast I continue through an assessment where are you rate 1 to 5 where you are. 1 rating as the worst and 5 being your best.

As we start, I say to write things on sticky notes all you want but make sure you record them in their appropriate place by midnight. They burn up at midnight. Unless they are affirmations on sticky notes around your room, those don’t count. Next topic is never right things more than twice, and it is allowed in my system to write something on the palm of your hand because your note won’t last very long. When you wash your hands or shower, it’s gone.  So you will need to write it down and it’s an appropriate place. Same with writing on a napkin in a restaurant that’s OK as long as you file it appropriately, soon. We go on to talk about many things that are maybe counterintuitive to the average person. Listen up for amazing strategies and skills and tools to put the power back and not feel crazy and live your life in balance!!!!

Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

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Talk soon Dar-lings!



Ep. 36 Time Part 2 Organizational Skills

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We have mentioned no one has more than 24 hours in a day.  It’s like a solid metal shopping cart that has sides, top, and a bottom shut tightly. How much can you fit in there? The truth is you can smash things in but they’ll get damaged.

Do you smash in your children and your time to where they’re resentful? Do you smash your plants in and put things all over it so the plant comes out yucky? From now on let’s not say, “I don’t have time.” Let’s just lose that phrase from our jargon and instead say, “No I didn’t plan for it.” Or, “I don’t want to” or “It doesn’t fit in my calendar at this time.” We don’t help ourselves by saying we don’t have time. We are true to ourselves and to others when we say that the task doesn’t fit.

Effective time management is about setting priorities. Studies show the average mind can process only about five areas at one time. I.e. a child asks for a drink, you’re getting food out of the microwave, at the same time, you’re thinking about a 5 o’clock deadline, you remember you need to call the babysitter or have your kids come pick their kids up because you are the babysitter, your spouse comes in to tell you something that is interesting, and then you get a text. You can process most of this at the same time, but there is a point where you feel overloaded and you might scream! Five pieces of information feel like overload doesn’t it and seven things to think about is just too much.


Let’s keep our minds uncluttered let’s use a planning system to store and record most of our tasks and things that we do so we have the capacity to be in the moment with whomever we can and want to be with. The proper planning system must include a to-do list, a calendar of appointments and times, a section for phone numbers and addresses, a week at a time monthly calendar, you can look at a glance. I recommend having a hard copy as well as on your phone. I have some kind of planners you order from Amazon. You also need scratch paper for doodling and graffiti. You can use your notepad for this, but a hardcopy is always super great. Make sure this is all portable and with you at all times.

Now we move into time management tools assessment how good are you at the following things? Rating 1 sucks and 5 is super awesome. How would you rate in the following areas?

I understand I only have 24 hours in a day. I understand that when I say yes to something I’m saying no to other things. When I say no to something I’m saying yes to others. (This opens up possibilities.) I have a planning system with me at all appropriate times. I work a maximum of 8 to 10 hours a day. I leave eight hours a day for leisure time. I sleep eight hours a night. I make my bed every morning. (I go into the benefits of that quite nicely which is all really interesting seriously.) My bedroom is straight and orderly. My office is straight and orderly. My desk is free of clutter. My files are organized. I know where all my stuff is. My car is clean inside and out. I dress appropriately for my job description. (Check out Carol Tuttle she’s got this wired.) I focus on one task at a time. I have no more than five areas of my life. I focus and burn a hole in what I’m doing. I have a highlighting planning system.

There’s so much more check out my next podcast part three!

Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to

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Talk soon Dar-lings!


Ep. 35 Time Management Strategies Part 1

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I’m not good at everything, but I must admit, I’m the queen of time management. My time does not rule me, I control it, I am on top of it, and I’d love to share my ideas with you.

How many things do you juggle? How many hats do you wear in your life? In this podcast, we list the areas of your life that take up your time. For example, family, work, logistics, home duties, personal issues, etc. Most busy individuals have about 45 main categories. Keep in mind that each area can have subcategories. Now that you’ve done that, how many have you listed? If you have more than five areas, consolidate and group them into no more than five. You need to say no to some areas at this particular time in your life.

Now, what do we do with this list? Do you have an electronic or paper planning system that is working for you? Would your coach agree that it is working? Sometimes we need someone else’s opinion to know whether something is working or not. Yes or no to the following: I don’t have a planning system. I think my planning system is functional. I know my planning system is not functional. How did you rate?

Now rate the following statements from 1 to 5 with, 1 being the least efficient and 5 being the best. I plan my days thoroughly and effectively. I prioritize tasks into a B&C. I keep my file systems organized. I keep my desk free of clutter. I evaluate and illuminate the time wasted. I say no to B&C time wasters. I dropped problem accounts that drained me. I effectively delegate follow up. I set task and effectively. I prioritize tasks into a B&C. I keep my file systems organized. I set uninterrupted time to plan each day, I know my value per hour.

Join me as we go through the coolest ways to have control of your life

Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to

I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!


Ep. 34 How to Make and Keep Friends

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in my last podcast, called how to make good friends, We talked about how to MAKE new friends. Find a best friend or make friends as an adult. This podcast is how to KEEP them and have a synergistic relationship for life. We talked about girls having girlfriends and guys having buddies. All this info is interchangeable so keep that in mind if I refer to girlfriends or guy friends. In the how to make friends podcast I mentioned you do it  by making lists of old friends and reacquainting, using verbiage such as, “ Hey call me or you want to get coffee?” And then sorting and looking around for girlfriends realizing they’re all over, you just need to ask.

One on one girlfriends are really awesome, healthy relationships that are long term are irreplaceable, there is no doubt! And having two girlfriends is even better. How about three or four. Now in High school groups are a bit harder because there is jealousy. i hope we have grown out of that. But if not, I share a bit more about the death of jealousy! So make sure you hang out to hear more about that.  

The BEST way to KEEP friends is to plan and organize and GO on a girls trip… OR a trip with your buddies! Guaranteed to make your bond deeper or split you up, right?? lol

I’ve been to park city, Caribbean cruise, Hawaii, Los Angeles, and various beaches, or even a sleepover at one of our friends homes. We all go dancing, dining, golfing, or hiking. We all have a text group so we can stay in touch and share ideas or relationship drama or wish each other happy birthday. Right now we are planning Thursday Margarita night at Chili's restaurant for a standing girls date. We all look forward to it so much.

Even if one of us moves far away, they are still on the text group. when they visit it is always a celebration.

Do you what to have a girl group and maybe go on a girls trip?

Create and enjoy a Girlfriend Group” with three key points.


Three key points on how girl groups work:


  1. Obviously, you have a group of girls who have something in common, certainly not everything. You may have one girl group for freaking fun dancing and looking for guys, and you may have another girls group that’s more of a higher enlightenment group and share spiritual feelings, you then may have another girl group of religious similarities where you may serve together, you may have another girl group of those who all have children and you get together as mothers or grandmothers with your kids.  All girl groups fulfill different needs that you have.


But let me explain how you can keep a girl group together and why they work and why sometimes they don’t.


  1. Let’s say you have a girl group of five. One of the things that makes the girl group cohesive is when each person in the group has a personal relationship with each other girl. Let’s say you have Suzy and Anna in your group. They get together for lunch and then Anna and Grace go to a movie together. Grace and Heather go walking on Wednesdays. Heather and Sandra go to McDonald’s every Thursday with the kids/grandkids.


When any of the girls in the group run into another girlfriend it seems to fit, they invite them to an outing, and of everyone in the original group seems to feel a rapport then they just naturally mesh with that group.


  1. It’s fun to make a group me or a group text to keep in touch and plan events and share special pictures or occasions or exciting news. This keeps the relationship solid in between outings.


When each member of the group has an individual relationship with each of the other girls in the group that’s what makes a tight friend group.


When I was in high school I felt bad when Debbie and Ellen got together, and Debbie felt bad if Ellen and I got together and didn’t include her. As we grow out of that, we see that that’s super appropriate, when two of my friends went and did something without me, as I support them and love that they did that, it becomes appropriate when I do one on one activities or phone calls with one of the other girls. In a mature group of girls, there can be such love that we honor respect all of the relationships within our circle and nurture each other’s relationships.


Girl groups that won’t work have more of the high school mentality of ego or competition. Being popular and discriminating, that’s not what we’re looking for here as we mature.

Also, in your girl’s group, there can be no jealousy anywhere. Not a trace. There’s a saying “you can’t be jealous of a friend” because if you’re jealous of someone you’re not the real friend. If your real friend won $1 million you would be nothing but happy for her. Check your jealousy meter ladies. If you feel jealousy it means you’re not the real friend.  

If you are married, it is still necessary to reach out to your feminine friends and enjoy that relationship!

So reach out and join like-minded gals to chat with, laugh with, cry with and grow with.

Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to

I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!


Ep. 33 How to Make New Good Friends

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Ladies: do you have a best friend or a few girlfriends? Do you ever say, I need a new friend?.

Imagine having someone to call at any time of the day to talk out an issue you're having. Imagine having a friend to call when you are excited or have something great happen. Imagine the phone ringing and having your best friend just ask you how your day was or how your relationships are or how work is going. Someone who truly really cares!  Wouldn’t it be great to have that person who has your back? Someone who is not your partner, but someone that is a true and forever friend.

But how do I make friends as an adult? What if you are a young mother? What if you are immersed with teens? What if you are an empty nester. Want to know how to make friends of any age at any age? Want to know how to make new friends over 50 years old?

For me, friends have blessed my life in more ways than I can share. I have had so many ups and downs in my life. I have had a handful of girlfriends through it all that have stood by me, but also who have called me on my crap. They tell me point blank, hey girlfriend you need to stop that, or girl you need to start doing this or that. Had two friends last year that took me to lunch and said, “Girlfriend, you are losing yourself. We want you to know that we will love you if you lose your self, but just know that you are. We would like to see Darlene come back” Ya, that got me thinking.


I get that having girlfriends or guys having close buddies is not always normal, natural or easy for many people. It comes more easily to some, and others need to work on it with some focus and skill. As I notice what I do to gain and keep friends,  I have stepped back and taken notes for you on my process and how I do it.  I have come up with  5 great ideas on how to find a new girlfriend if you move to a new area or if you realize having a girlfriend would fix your life. Yep, it will!


Certainly, having girlfriends is not overrated, ladies. And men wanting buddies to hang with, play ball with or camp. One of the greatest blessing in our lives can be the authentic, unconditional love and support from like-minded girlfriends/ guy.


But how do you make and keep friends  girlfriend if you just moved to a new area?

Note this: No matter your personality, no matter your style or vibe, no matter your religion or your energy level and passions, there will always be girlfriends within arm’s reach.


Here’s how.

Today the world is small with social media and technology. This will make the following steps easy.

Let's say you move to a new area and do not know anyone.

1  Make a list of friends you’ve had in the past that you liked, keep thinking until you have maybe 5 to 10. Go years back, maybe grade school.

  1. Call two people on this list. When they answer the phone just say “Hey, this is so and so, a blast from the past! Haha, I don’t know why but for some reason you just crossed your mind and I just wanted to touch base and say how the heck are you?” The conversation will go easily from there. Or of course, you can reach out to them on Social Media. “Hey, we need to catch up. Let’s grab coffee sometime.” I actually just did this with a grade school friend.
  2. Start using the following verbiage, not only with the people on your list but people you might meet at Starbucks, or your sister-in-law‘s friend, or your daughter's mother-in-law. Here’s the verbiage: “Hey we need to go to lunch sometime and catch up. Let’s grab a Coke sometime, I go walking on Wednesdays you should come with me sometime, I’m in the mood for Mexican food, any chance you’re open next week? Or maybe lunch. We have a lot we could talk about!” and the classic “OK bye, call me.” With your hand up to your ear like a phone.


When saying goodbye to someone that’s a common phrase “OK bye call.” It’s kind of like saying “How are you?” which is just a social greeting, “Call me.” can be a social goodbye but it opens the door for your new friendship.


  1. Each morning say to yourself, I’m going to meet girlfriends today. This causes you to be open, and we always find what we’re looking for. For sure, there are women everywhere around you who are craving a girlfriend!! You just need to open the door, and Bam. The trick here is to be picky about your girlfriends. When I meet a new friend I tease about the fact that when we meet for coffee I’m dating my girlfriends, to see which ones I like. Not to discriminate but rather to sort for who enhances my life and I can enhance theirs, where we have the same sameness and or vibrational energy, the same beliefs, and the same energy.


Following through on the relationships is the key here. And making friendship a priority. We all create our lives, and we are where were are choosing to be, with the situations that surround us, when you make friendships a very high priority you will be amazed at the women who come out of the woodwork who are craving girl time, girl talk, girl association, girl power together!!


  1. Another GREAT way to make friends is to look up search your area and u will find a plethora of meet up groups. You can sign up for those that interest you. You will get an email alert when they have an event, and you can go to it or just sit back and watch what events they keep posting. The go when you are ready. They have hiking, dancing, singles, married, dog walking, basket weaving, hiking groups and more!!!


One of my very best friends in all the world happened just that way. I put on a post on a meetup group, “I’m new in the area and I want to get out of the house anybody want to meet for dinner“. Well, Andie Blair replied back “Sure” We met at a Mexican restaurant just like that. I saw a beautiful Latino woman and said are you, Andie? I sat across for from her and we literally talked for two hours. We had families in common and fun ideas in common but she didn’t like Exercise and I’m an exercise freak, I’m musical, she’s more technical with Computers. Very different interests but all in all, she became my roommate for two years and we started a singles group together online- a meetup, Group. The group grew from a few of us to 750 people! She is now my forever dear friend. We keep in touch over social media and an occasional phone call. But at any moment she’s there for me and I’m there for her.


Remember if u ignore a relationship it will die or dissolve, so nurture your connections.


Follow these guidelines, and you will gather your many as you choose.

Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to

I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!


Ep. 32 Principles of Time Management

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Do you feel crazy and need time management strategies? In today’s podcast we talk about principles of time management that you may not have thought of before! We need to honor the unconscious mind and understand how time really works.

Our unconscious may stop you from managing your time and having control of your day and life.

A wise man once said “a balanced day ought to include eight hours of work, eight hours of sleep, and eight hours of play or leisure“-Brigham Young. Do you feel crazy with all you have to do do you feel out of control and frustrated by constantly revolving tasks. They happen over and over. Are you constantly late, looking for things, or are you leaving money on the table by rushing too fast to take care of details? Time management is like the foundation for all that you do everyday, month, and year by managing your time and taking control.  You can be in the driver seat of your life. Let’s look at time principles and methods of this slick time management.

We only have 24 hours in a day, if you know someone who has more, call me I want to meet them. Why do we think we have more than 24 hours and say things like, “I don’t have time.” That actually doesn’t make sense. We’re fooling ourselves by thinking that other people have more time than we do. Have you ever said that? For example, we might say I don’t have nice clothes, or I don’t have time or I don’t have money so are mine looks for these things but we can’t ever get more time so we get really frustrated. We might be able to get more clothes and so we search them out or money but we seriously can never have any more time than we have right now. Who’s?

What are we really saying when we say we don’t have time? We’re actually really saying we don’t want to, or that we don’t know how to find the organization to do it, or that it’s not a priority right now, or that we’re choosing something else. Let’s use empowering terminology instead of saying I don’t have time, consider saying I’m not going to commit to that right now, I’m deciding not to commit to that right now, I don’t really want to right now, I have a plan for that at this time, it’s not a priority right now. We all received a gift each day We are given one box of 24 hours. The box is made of strong sides it’s rigid and flexible and incapable of compromise. The box is sealed with an airtight lid and must be close completely at the end of each day. You must be on the 24 hours and empty the box each day and you cannot carry over those hours to the next day. The 24 hours do not earn interest for you, they do not have the ability to get in the hall. Each evening and accounting is done and on the hours will always balance is zero at midnight. What will you do with your time. Time is perceived differently depending on your mindset. Has an hour ever just dragged on and on while waiting in traffic? Has an hour ever rush by when you’re having fun? Time is experience with your internal perceptions, because of course the worlds time is concert and sometimes you can feel your mind and make time seem to speed up or slow down.

Is your time slipping away? Are you giving it away, wasting it or are you protecting it? What would you trade for some time with your dad or a loved one who has left you? What changes are you going to make today?

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I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!


Ep. 31 The VALUE of time!

Click Here to Watch on YouTube

Time is so interesting. It’s metaphysical. It’s not tangible. It’s mysterious and very misunderstood. It is actually the most powerful presence on earth. If we don’t have time we don’t have anything. We can have families and homes and many things, but if we don’t have time none of that will mean anything. Time is of perspective as well. We need to value time because it controls us.

Do you realize the value of one year? Ask a student who failed a grade.

Do you realize the value of one month? Ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

Do you realize the value of one week? Ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

Do you realize the value of one day? Ask an alcoholic working on sobriety.

Do you realize the value of one hour? Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

Do you realize the value of one minute? Ask a person who missed the plane.

Do you realize the value of one second? Ask a person who just avoided an accident.

Do you realize the value of 1 millisecond? Ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Let’s talk about how our internal time clock and thinking about time can change and rock our world. What do you value most in life?


Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to

I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!

