Articles | What Stops You | Dr Darlene

Ep. 50 Who Am I?

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Who am I? Who are you?  According to whom?

Let's get together and figure it out.

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Talk soon Dar-lings!

Ep. 49 The Inner Child

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Talk soon Dar-lings!

Ep. 48 Eden’s Rainbow

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How do you talk about your dad, your hero, leaving you through death? My ex-husband was killed about nine years ago in a tragic motorcycle accident. My youngest daughter Eden Marie Rona was 16 at the time. She chose to write about her experience in one of her English classes. I am honored to read this loving and heartfelt letter to you.

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Talk soon Dar-lings!

Ep. 47 Sources of Stress

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“Stop the noise, stop the traffic, and stop bugging me!” She yells. “Excuse me; is the screaming in my mind bothering you?”

Do you have Hurry-Sickness? Does standing in a long line that is not moving freak you out? Do you want to alleviate stress so you can enjoy your days? How would this affect your business and personal life? Have you ever wondered what a stress-free life would be like?

The truth is that a stress-free life would be boring and would have no purpose or passion. A stress-free life would be useless and sad. Based on Webster’s definitions, we can see that stress is what causes us to grow and experience life.

We will talk about the fact that sources of stress are really PERCEIVED sources of stress. It is really about the beliefs or stories you tell yourself that cause the feeling of stress.. We go over all types of ways to feel better and use stress management activities and ways of thinking differently.

Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

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Talk soon Dar-lings!

Ep. 46 The Mystery of Hypnosis

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The old black and white movies show the hypnotist with his swinging crystal on a chain, the pendulum waving back and forth until he has control of his subject’s mind. The awaited command is finally given: “Kill him.” The zombie opens his glazed eyes and in his altered state, rises to complete his assigned mission. His robotical motions propel him towards the task that will not be defeated until he has dispersed blood and left the lifeless body in the river.

The mystery of hypnosis is as old as the ages. What is it? How does it occur? And is it indeed factual?

A trance is a common and natural state; everyone experiences different levels of trance many times each day whether it is driving to work or using the computer.

What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is a deeper, guided state of trance that includes a state of relaxation with the conscious mind clear and the unconscious mind open and receptive to change at a deep level. It is a state of mind that goes into “The Nothing.” The mind is just open and nowhere. When in a trance the body feels light or as if the body is absent. Another form of trance is a state of heightened receptivity with intense internal focus and concentration where the rest of the world is shut off.

You may say, “I can’t be hypnotized.” That idea is false! The correct statement is, “I won’t allow someone to guide me into a state of hypnosis.” It is important to note that with permission – and permission only – can a hypnotist guide a client to this state and offer suggestions that will seep quickly into the unconscious.

Just as one cannot “make” another go into a state of sleep, no one can “make” another go into a state of trance. You would not say, “I can’t go to sleep.” You would say, “I can’t be made to go to sleep.” If one has permission to guide the other into a state of sleep, then they may gently say calming phrases, rub their arm or use other methods to induce sleep. Only with permission in the same way can someone guide another into a trance.

Humans have the most advanced brain of the entire animal world. Human minds have something called the critical factor. The critical factor is one’s reasoning between the conscious and the unconscious mind. The critical factor is always in place to keep you safe and in line with your moral boundaries. No hypnotist can make another person do anything that they are not actually willing to do, because the critical factor, is aware of behaviors even at an unconscious level.

Therapeutic hypnotherapists use permission and value-based inductions. They say words you want to hear and agree with such as, “While you relax… for a very good purpose you have come here today… as you notice what is important in your life, you allow yourself to relax ten times more,” etc.

Stage hypnosis is different from therapeutic hypnosis. Stage hypnotherapists use an authoritarian method; they give commands rather than suggestions. “You WILL hold on to this rope, You WILL stand up, etc” Some people are more predisposed to authoritarian-based hypnosis while others are more suggestible to permission-based hypnosis. The stage hypnotist has a four part screening process that sifts out participants to get the outgoing, outrageous personalities on stage sort out those who would not contribute to the fun of the show:

  1. The hypnotist invites only those who want to come on stage. People who are not “show offs” do not come on stage.
  2. They give a command such as “Hold the rope tighter and tighter” and notices who is suggestible to the authoritarian commands. All those that are not get kicked off stage.
  3. They notice who has a fun, entertaining personality. If they do not, they are asked to leave the stage.
  4. The hypnotist notices who is attentive, who can just let go of caring, go into a trance and be obedient. If they are not, they are kicked off.

The remaining participants on stage are the ones that allow the show to go on. If someone does not contribute to the show, the hypnotist systematically has them leave the stage. Yes, the participants on stage are actually in a deep state of hypnosis. Yes, they are hypnotized and yes, it is real. The audience is simply not aware of his masterful screening process, so it appears that he has just grabbed a group of random people and is able to control their minds. In actuality, there is no control going on, only a permission-based trance with the appropriate levels of suggestibility.

Keep in mind that mind control, or brainwashing, and hypnosis are completely different. Webster’s dictionary defines brainwashing as “a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas” Now, this may happen over time as someone is lead to believe something on both the conscious and unconscious levels. And most specifically when one is young and formidable. For example, let’s say you were taught that on each Thursday, in order to please God you were to jump up and down before the fireplace five times and shout “Praise the Lord.” You may begin to believe this as you watch your whole family join in this ritual over the years. This is not mind control; it may be called environmentally formed beliefs or family beliefs, some may call it brainwashing but some may call it training.  Hypnosis would not be necessary to accomplish this belief formation. You don’t need to be in a trance to be trained/brainwashed.

Meditation is a form of self-hypnosis where one is self-guided into a relaxed and heightened state of concentration. They may have a predetermined mantra or affirmation that they say or think to themselves while meditating. In the state of trance, suggestions implant deeper in the inner workings of the mind. This is a wonderful process for self-development and inner power.

Hypnosis is powerful and effective. When hypnosis is combined with other action-oriented methods, possibilities of success are endless. Call your hypnotherapist and schedule your impactful session today.

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Talk soon Dar-lings!



Ep. 45 Sources of Stress, Namely Techno Stress

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My best friend these days seems to be my computer. It can play music, help me communicate with other people via email, help me scan the globe with an insurmountable amount of information via the www and to top it off it remembers everything I tell it. It’s memory is amazing. In a second’s time it can retrieve any info that it has stored, even from years ago. My other great friend is my fax machine. I can input tons of into and sure enough, just as programmed, it too spits out the documents perfectly in the right order. My copier is a true blue buddy. Making a perfect copy of what is on the original doc. How in the heck does it remember everything and copy it accurately. In addiction, my colleague “Three Way Call” is a very necessary part of my life. It so expertly connects two human voices from anywhere in the whole entire world. How does it do that? And call waiting; puts the circuits on hold while I am on another call and keeps the connection live for my timely return. How does that happen?

I lie in my bed and thank my best friends for being so great…..but I lay awake all nigth wondering how I can keep them busy since they are all so willing to work 24 hours a day. I have a stomach ache and my head hurts. I get up to drink some warm milk and my mind races.

The next day at the psychiatrist's office he promptly prescribes valium and/or anxiety meds. He treats me for depression and heavily medicates me because I can hardly keep my mind in order these days. Nothing seems to help.

Then one day, while chatting with my Life Coach that was assisting me in making sense of my miserable life, he profoundly said, “You seem to be best friends with robots that have no internal intrinsic purpose, passion, or feelings. They never feel bad and never have joy. And by the way, you are not a robot!”

My “awe” caught my breath. “No I am NOT a robot!” Yet I have surrounded myself with these aliens all the while thinking we were equals and that they were assisting me in my journey towards success and happiness. My Life Coach helped me realize that my mind was limited by the human brain and body and could process only about 5 bits of information on a conscious level at the same time. That is less than my beautiful computer–she can process billions of information at the same time. Hey that is not fair; no life does not seem fair when we compare apples to horses.

Information overload….is an epidemic that man himself created. We crafted robots to run high speed information across the globe but we forget to acknowledge our human frailties that not keep up with the robots. We need to remember that we need breaks in the mid day for our bodies and minds. We need 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each and every night. We need to constantly organize our minds with day timers and planners and say “No” more often. We need to change our sensory input to right and left stimulus and look up at the sky and count our blessings and acknowledge God. We must remember that we are children of a greater being and that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Life is to enjoy and it is possible when we let the robots do their tasks and recognize our limitations savoring our human abilities and uniqueness.

Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

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Talk soon Dar-lings!



Ep. 44 16 NLP Presuppositions, part 5. Create Your Life

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NLP stands for Neuro linguistic programming. Neuro, the mind; linguistics, thinking patterns; and programming, how it all comes together- our minds have programs that run. 

It all started when two scientists, Bandler and Grinder, a computer programmer, and a linguist, decided to have lunch in the early 1970s. Over a sandwich they realized that their areas of expertise were not so different. They began to understand that a computer operates much the same way as the human mind does. They started modeling the internal thinking patterns of those people who are successful and realized they could create a step-by-step process to teach people who didn’t have the same skill. It was magical, people were making changes in one moment!!

They came up with 16 NLP presuppositions which are basic beliefs or assumptions that exist in human behavior. These assumptions are what therapists/counselors/coaches/helpers, presuppose are occurring naturally in human behavior. . Just like a geologist has basic assumptions about the earth, assumptions such as, gravity exists, Inertia occurs, photosynthesis occurs, and the sun comes up each day in the east. After these assumptions are understood then the geologist can discover more about how the world operates. Human behavior is the same way. These 16 presuppositions are super powerful yet quite counterintuitive. There are five parts to this series and I hope you enjoy learning and revisiting each one and applying it in your life. 

Results will be: greater understanding, forgiveness, patience, lack of judgment, better communication and better at creating your own life


Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

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Talk soon Dar-lings!



Ep. 43 16 NLP Presuppositions, part 4. Be Flexible

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NLP stands for Neuro linguistic programming. Neuro, the mind; linguistics, thinking patterns; and programming, how it all comes together- our minds have programs that run. 

It all started when two scientists, Bandler and Grinder, a computer programmer, and a linguist, decided to have lunch in the early 1970s. Over a sandwich they realized that their areas of expertise were not so different. They began to understand that a computer operates much the same way as the human mind does. They started modeling the internal thinking patterns of those people who are successful and realized they could create a step-by-step process to teach people who didn’t have the same skill. It was magical, people were making changes in one moment!!

They came up with 16 NLP presuppositions which are basic beliefs or assumptions that exist in human behavior. These assumptions are what therapists/counselors/coaches/helpers, presuppose are occurring naturally in human behavior. . Just like a geologist has basic assumptions about the earth, assumptions such as, gravity exists, Inertia occurs, photosynthesis occurs, and the sun comes up each day in the east. After these assumptions are understood then the geologist can discover more about how the world operates. Human behavior is the same way. These 16 presuppositions are super powerful yet quite counterintuitive. There are five parts to this series and I hope you enjoy learning and revisiting each one and applying it in your life. 

Results will be: greater understanding, forgiveness, patience, lack of judgment, better communication and better at creating your own life


Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to

I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!



Ep. 42 16 NLP Presuppositions, Part 3 Communication happens

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NLP stands for Neuro linguistic programming. Neuro, the mind; linguistics, thinking patterns; and programming, how it all comes together- our minds have programs that run. 

It all started when two scientists, Bandler and Grinder, a computer programmer, and a linguist, decided to have lunch in the early 1970s. Over a sandwich they realized that their areas of expertise were not so different. They began to understand that a computer operates much the same way as the human mind does. They started modeling the internal thinking patterns of those people who are successful and realized they could create a step-by-step process to teach people who didn’t have the same skill. It was magical, people were making changes in one moment!!

They came up with 16 NLP presuppositions which are basic beliefs or assumptions that exist in human behavior. These assumptions are what therapists/counselors/coaches/helpers, presuppose are occurring naturally in human behavior. . Just like a geologist has basic assumptions about the earth, assumptions such as, gravity exists, Inertia occurs, photosynthesis occurs, and the sun comes up each day in the east. After these assumptions are understood then the geologist can discover more about how the world operates. Human behavior is the same way. These 16 presuppositions are super powerful yet quite counterintuitive. There are five parts to this series and I hope you enjoy learning and revisiting each one and applying it in your life. 

Results will be: greater understanding, forgiveness, patience, lack of judgment, better communication and better at creating your own life


Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to

I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!



Ep. 41 16 NLP Presuppositions Part 2. Power Beliefs for Life

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NLP stands for Neuro linguistic programming. Neuro, the mind; linguistics, thinking patterns; and programming, how it all comes together- our minds have programs that run. 

It all started when two scientists, Bandler and Grinder, a computer programmer, and a linguist, decided to have lunch in the early 1970s. Over a sandwich they realized that their areas of expertise were not so different. They began to understand that a computer operates much the same way as the human mind does. They started modeling the internal thinking patterns of those people who are successful and realized they could create a step-by-step process to teach people who didn’t have the same skill. It was magical, people were making changes in one moment!!

They came up with 16 NLP presuppositions which are basic beliefs or assumptions that exist in human behavior. These assumptions are what therapists/counselors/coaches/helpers, presuppose are occurring naturally in human behavior. . Just like a geologist has basic assumptions about the earth, assumptions such as, gravity exists, Inertia occurs, photosynthesis occurs, and the sun comes up each day in the east. After these assumptions are understood then the geologist can discover more about how the world operates. Human behavior is the same way. These 16 presuppositions are super powerful yet quite counterintuitive. There are five parts to this series and I hope you enjoy learning and revisiting each one and applying it in your life. 

Results will be: greater understanding, forgiveness, patience, lack of judgment, better communication and better at creating your own life


Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed today's episode I would be grateful if you would leave me a quick review and rating on iTunes (click here) so I have feedback!  Also, subscribe if you haven't already so you can be alerted when a new episode comes out.  That would mean the world to me, thank you so much!

If you want the episode show notes and a full transcript go to

I would Love to hear your comments on todays topic!  How this information has helped you?

Talk soon Dar-lings!



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